Christian History
As You seek understanding and clarity in your life you should always turn to your Heavenly Father for Guidance.
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Christian History
Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world, with more than 2 billion followers. The Christian faith centers on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While it started with a small group of adherents, many historians regard the spread and adoption of Christianity throughout the world as one of the most successful spiritual missions in human history.
Christianity Beliefs
Some basic Christian concepts include:
- Christians are monotheistic, i.e., they believe there’s only one God, and he created the heavens and the earth. This divine Godhead consists of three parts: the father (God himself), the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.
- The essence of Christianity revolves around the life, death and Christian beliefs on the resurrection of Jesus. Christians believe God sent his son Jesus, the messiah, to save the world. They believe Jesus was crucified on a cross to offer the forgiveness of sins and was resurrected three days after his death before ascending to heaven.
- Christians contend that Jesus will return to earth again in what’s known as the Second Coming.
- The Holy Bible includes important scriptures that outline Jesus’s teachings, the lives and teachings of major prophets and disciples, and offer instructions for how Christians should live.
- Both Christians and Jews follow the Old Testament of the Bible, but Christians also embrace the New Testament.
- The cross is a symbol of Christianity.
- The most important Christian holidays are Christmas (which celebrates the birth of Jesus) and Easter (which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus).
WATCH Jesus: His Life on HISTORY Vaulthttps://www.history.com/player/3326019955?autoplay=false
Who Was Jesus?
Most historians believe that Jesus was a real person who was born between 2 B.C. and 7 B.C. Much of what scholars know about Jesus comes from the New Testament of the Christian Bible.
According to the text, Jesus was born to a young Jewish virgin named Mary in the town of Bethlehem in the West Bank, south of Jerusalem. Christians believe the conception was a supernatural event, with God impregnating Mary via the Holy Spirit.
Very little is known about Jesus’s childhood. Scriptures reveal that he grew up in Nazareth, he and his family fled persecution from King Herod and moved to Egypt, and his “earthly” father, Joseph, was a carpenter.
Jesus was raised Jewish, and according to most scholars, he aimed to reform Judaism—not create a new religion.
When he was around 30 years old, Jesus started his public ministry after being baptized in the Jordan River by the prophet known as John the Baptist.
For about three years, Jesus traveled with 12 appointed disciples (also known as the 12 apostles), teaching large groups of people and performing what witnesses described as miracles. Some of the most well-known miraculous events included raising a dead man named Lazarus from the grave, walking on water and curing the blind.
READ MORE: What Did Jesus Look Like?
Jesus’s Teachings
Jesus used parables—short stories with hidden messages—in his teachings.
Some of the main themes that Jesus taught, which Christians later embraced, include:
- Love God.
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
- Forgive others who have wronged you.
- Love your enemies.
- Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.
- Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
- Repentance of sins is essential.
- Don’t be hypocritical.
- Don’t judge others.
- The Kingdom of God is near. It’s not the rich and powerful—but the weak and poor—who will inherit this kingdom.
In one of Jesus’s most famous speeches, which became known as the Sermon on the Mount, he summarized many of his moral instructions for his followers.
READ MORE: The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?
Jesus’s Death and Resurrection

Many scholars believe Jesus died between 30 A.D. and 33 A.D., although the exact date is debated among theologians.
According to the Bible, Jesus was arrested, tried and condemned to death. Roman governor Pontius Pilate issued the order to kill Jesus after being pressured by Jewish leaders who alleged that Jesus was guilty of a variety of crimes, including blasphemy.
Jesus was crucified by Roman soldiers in Jerusalem, and his body was laid in a tomb. According to scripture, three days after his crucifixion, Jesus’s body was missing.
In the days after Jesus’s death, some people reported sightings and encounters with him. Authors in the Bible say the resurrected Jesus ascended into Heaven.
Read more from this article: Christianity Beliefs
Helpful Link:
History of Christianity – Wikipedia
Christian History | Learn the History of Christianity …
Christian History for Everyman
Christian Church History Timeline – Early Christianity Dates
Christianity – The history of Christianity | Britannica
Early Christian History Home Page
This week in Christian history: Bakker fraud trial, Louis …
Overview of early Christian history (30 to 300 CE)
History Of Christianity – AllAboutReligion.org
The History Of Christianity: The Essential Resources …
Top History Vidos
- Evidence Of Saint Peter’s Body? – The Naked Archaeologist 202 – The Search for St. Peter
- Militant Christian Army Of Rome – Secrets Of Christianity 106 – The Roman Army’s Secret Christians
- A THIRD HOLY TEMPLE: What Does Judaism Teach about the Rebuilt 3rd Temple in Jerusalem?
- Where was the Temple? – History
- Where was the Jewish Temple Really in Jerusalem, Israel?
- Revelation 12:1-17 – The Woman, War In Heaven, War On Earth
- What is Greater Israel?
- The Science Behind Ezekial’s Vision – The Naked Archaeologist 208 – Decoding Ezekial’s Vision
Top Seven Articles
- The Problem With Older Women Liking/Dating Younger Men
- I Dream A Dream That All Men Would Have Love For One Another
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- Let Women Come To You
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God Reveals Himself
Click the link about a PDF how God reveals himself to you: God Reveals and Satan Speaks to you!
Our Mission Statement
Uniting men of good character who, though of different ethnic or social backgrounds, share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind. Bring Men back to the Father and sharing the biblical view of the Heavenly Father.
Our Vision
By returning to our heavenly father God thru the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we can rebuilt the family, once the man is recognized as the head of the family and household. Partner with us as we develop a community, mission, and leadership support for the men of today.
Now is the time for a new movement of men. As brothers, fathers let’s become who we’re created to be, knowing our identity, purpose, and destiny in Christ. Then let’s do, linking arms to change the world for good … and for God. Help bring transformation and revival to our families, churches, and communities.
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