Tag: bible study near me

Man and Woman by God’s Design

Man and Woman by God’s Design

The Bible teaches that man and woman were created by God in His image, and that they are meant to be complementary partners in life. In the book of Genesis, we read that God created man first, and then He created woman to be a helper suitable for him. This suggests that men and women …

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Why the World Rejects God’s Word

Why the World Rejects God’s Word

There are many reasons why the world rejects God’s word. Here are a few of the most common reasons: Of course, there are many other reasons why people reject God’s word. But these are some of the most common reasons. If you are struggling to accept God’s word, I encourage you to pray and ask …

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Totally Transformed

Totally Transformed

Bible verses about transformation: These verses all speak of the transformation that can happen in a person’s life when they come to Christ. They talk about being made new, being renewed, and being transformed. This transformation is not just superficial; it goes deep to the very core of a person’s being. It is a transformation …

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The Secret of Loving God

The Secret of Loving God

There is no one secret to loving God, but there are some things that can help us to grow in our love for Him. Here are a few tips: Loving God is a gift, and it is something that we can grow in over time. By following these tips, we can continue to grow in …

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The Secret Power in Prayer!

The Secret Power in Prayer!

Prayer is a powerful tool that can be used to connect with God and to ask for His help. There are many different ways to pray, but the most important thing is to be sincere and to come from a place of faith. The Bible says that prayer is powerful, and that it can accomplish …

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What Does It Mean To Be Broken Before God?

What Does It Mean To Be Broken Before God?

The phrase “broken before God” is often used in Christian circles to describe a state of humility and repentance. It can also be used to describe a sense of awe and wonder in the presence of God’s greatness. There are many different ways to understand what it means to be broken before God. Some people …

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The Most Powerful Prayer From The Bible. Psalm 91.

The Most Powerful Prayer From The Bible. Psalm 91.

Psalm 91 is a psalm of protection and healing. It is a popular prayer among Christians, and it is often prayed seven times for added power. Here is the text of Psalm 91: 1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will …

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Becareful Who You Fall In Love With

Becareful Who You Fall In Love With

It is true that you should be careful who you fall in love with. Love is a powerful emotion that can make us do things we wouldn’t normally do. It’s important to be aware of the risks involved in falling in love with someone who may not be good for us. Here are some things …

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The Most Hated Christian Doctrine

The Most Hated Christian Doctrine

The most hated Christian doctrine is a matter of opinion, but some of the most commonly cited include: It is important to note that these are just a few of the most commonly cited hated Christian doctrines. There are many other doctrines that could be included on this list, and people’s opinions on these doctrines …

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The SHOCKING Truth About Babylon | Martyn Iles

The SHOCKING Truth About Babylon | Martyn Iles

The term “Babylon” is often used in a figurative sense to refer to a corrupt or evil city. However, Babylon was also a real city in ancient Mesopotamia, and it played an important role in the development of Western civilization. The city of Babylon was founded in the 2nd millennium BC, and it quickly became …

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