Tag: bible study near me

I Would Like To Raise $2 Million To $5 Million To Build Churches And Repair Old Churches

I Would Like To Raise $2 Million To $5 Million To Build Churches And Repair Old Churches

I ask you to use paypal.com donation button on MadeManMinistries.com to collect and raise money to build churches and repair old churches in small town USA. I have had a dream of buying a church and holding church services, but lately I see how we need more churches and old churches need repair. If you …

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Is Faith Alone Enough for Orthodoxy?

Is Faith Alone Enough for Orthodoxy?

The question of whether faith alone is enough for salvation is a complex one that has been debated by theologians for centuries. The Orthodox Church teaches that faith is essential for salvation, but that it is not enough on its own. Faith must be accompanied by works of love and charity. The Orthodox Church’s understanding …

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POWERFUL Argument For God’s Existence!

POWERFUL Argument For God’s Existence!

There are many arguments for God’s existence, but one of the most powerful is the cosmological argument. The cosmological argument argues that the universe must have a cause, and that cause must be something greater than the universe itself. This greater being is what we call God. There are many different versions of the cosmological …

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Why You Should NEVER Tell Anyone What You Are Up To

Why You Should NEVER Tell Anyone What You Are Up To

There are a few reasons why you should never tell anyone what you are up to. Of course, there are some times when it is okay to share your plans with others. For example, if you are asking for help or advice, it is important to be transparent about what you are trying to achieve. …

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Jordan Peterson Reports Back After 5 YEARS on Carnivore Diet (Results)

Jordan Peterson Reports Back After 5 YEARS on Carnivore Diet (Results)

Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has been following a carnivore diet for five years. He reports that he has experienced a number of benefits from the diet, including: Peterson has also said that he has not experienced any negative side effects from the diet. He acknowledges …

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How to Listen to the Lord (MarkĀ 4:21-34)

How to Listen to the Lord (MarkĀ 4:21-34)

In Mark 4:21-34, Jesus teaches his disciples how to listen to him. He uses the analogy of a farmer sowing seed to explain that the word of God is like seed. The seed can fall on different types of soil, and it will only grow if it falls on good soil. Jesus says that there …

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Deliverance: From Sin to Righteousness

Deliverance: From Sin to Righteousness

As You seek understanding and clarity in your life you should always turn to your Heavenly Father for Guidance. Deliverance is the act of being freed from something that is harmful or oppressive. In the context of Christianity, deliverance is the act of being freed from sin and its consequences. Sin is anything that goes …

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Ben Shapiro PRESSED on JESUS for 12 Min STRAIGHT by William Lane Craig

Ben Shapiro PRESSED on JESUS for 12 Min STRAIGHT by William Lane Craig

The video you are referring to is a conversation between Ben Shapiro and William Lane Craig, two well-known figures in the worlds of conservative politics and Christian apologetics. In the video, Craig presses Shapiro on his views on Jesus, specifically on whether or not he believes that Jesus rose from the dead. Shapiro is a …

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