Is The Vatican The Power That Is Holding Back The Peace In The Middle East?
No, the Vatican does not hold the primary power in maintaining peace in the Middle East. While it has a significant influence, especially in regions with large Catholic populations, the primary powers involved in Middle Eastern peace negotiations are typically the governments of the countries in the region, along with major international players like the United States, Russia, and the European Union.
Here are some reasons why the Vatican’s influence is limited:
- Secular governments: Many countries in the Middle East have secular governments that prioritize political and economic interests over religious ones.
- Regional conflicts: The Middle East is a region with a complex history of conflicts, often rooted in territorial disputes, religious differences, and political rivalries. These conflicts are often too deep-rooted for a single religious institution to resolve.
- International politics: The Middle East is a geopolitical hotbed, with major powers vying for influence. The Vatican, while respected, does not have the same level of political and military power as these nations.
While the Vatican can play a role in promoting dialogue, fostering understanding, and providing humanitarian aid, it is not the sole or even primary force in maintaining peace in the Middle East.
Vatican Land Ownership Claims
The Vatican does not directly control the Palestinian territories. Palestine is a disputed territory claimed by both the State of Palestine and Israel, with the international community recognizing Palestine as a sovereign state.
Historical Context
The Vatican City State, an independent city-state within Rome, has historically maintained diplomatic relations with various countries, including Palestine. However, it does not exert control over any territory, including Palestine.
Economic and Financial Interests
The Vatican has invested in various companies and organizations, including real estate and financial institutions, through its holding company Profima SA (as mentioned in one of the search results). However, these investments do not extend to the Palestinian territories.
UN Observer Status
The Vatican City has observer status at the United Nations, which allows it to engage with various UN agencies and participate in some international events. However, this status does not grant it control over any territory, including Palestine.
In Conclusion
The Vatican does not control the Palestinian land. Its diplomatic and economic activities are limited to its own city-state and do not extend to the Palestinian territories, which are subject to ongoing political disputes and negotiations between Israel and the State of Palestine.
Vatican Role in Palestinian Issue
Based on the provided search results, it appears that the Vatican’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex and multifaceted. While the Vatican has expressed support for a two-state solution and has recognized the State of Palestine in 2015, it has also been criticized for perceived ambiguities and inconsistencies in its statements.
Some points to consider:
- The Vatican has called for proportionality in Israel’s defense and expressed concern for civilian victims of the conflict, but has also emphasized the need for a negotiated and peaceful solution.
- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli President Isaac Herzog have both appreciated the Vatican’s constant words of peace, with Abbas describing the Christian minority in the Holy Land as the “salt” of the land.
- The Vatican has reiterated its commitment to a two-state solution, recognizing the State of Palestine in 2015, and has sought to protect Catholic Church properties and civil rights in the Palestinian state.
- However, the Vatican has also been criticized for not explicitly condemning Hamas terrorism, with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen demanding a “clear and unequivocal condemnation.”
- The Vatican’s attempts to mediate the conflict have been met with skepticism, with some accusing it of being caught between a rock and a hard place.
In conclusion, while the Vatican is not the sole “problem” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, its statements and actions have been subject to criticism and interpretation. The Vatican’s efforts to promote peace and justice, while well-intentioned, may be perceived as ambiguous or insufficient by some parties. Ultimately, the Vatican’s role in the conflict is complex and influenced by its unique position as a religious and diplomatic entity.
Vatican’s Role in Palestine
Vatican’s Role in Palestine: Protection of Holy Sites and Promotion of Peace
The Vatican’s role in Palestine is multifaceted, focusing on the protection of holy sites, promotion of peace, and diplomatic recognition.
Protection of Holy Sites: Initially, the Vatican’s policy in the Middle East was centered on safeguarding holy sites. Before the 1948 Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Pope Pius XII requested a legal guarantee for the status of the Holy Land.
Promotion of Peace: The Vatican has consistently emphasized the need for peace in the region. Pope Benedict XVI organized a synod in the Holy Land, emphasizing that “it is not acceptable to resort to theological and biblical positions that use the word of God to wrongly justify injustices.” Pope Francis has also reiterated the importance of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine.
Diplomatic Recognition: In 2012, the Vatican welcomed the United Nations’ recognition of Palestine as a non-member observer state. Subsequently, the Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty finalized in December 2023. This treaty concerns the activities of the Catholic Church in Palestinian territory and provides formal, bilateral confirmation of the Vatican’s recognition.
Historic Meeting: In 2014, Pope Francis met with the Israeli President and Palestinian Authority President at the Vatican, praying for peace in the Middle East.
Vatican’s Position: The Vatican’s stance is not aligned with either side’s extreme positions, instead advocating for a peaceful resolution. The Holy See has been criticized by Israel for its recognition of Palestine, with some arguing it undermines peace prospects. However, the Vatican’s efforts aim to promote dialogue and reconciliation.
Jesuits’ Mideast Influence
Based on the provided search results, here are some points highlighting the Jesuits’ and the Vatican’s involvement in the Middle East and their potential influence on peace talks:
- Ecumenical and interfaith dialogue: The Jesuits have been actively engaged in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, seeking to unite Catholic and Protestant churches, as well as promoting dialogue with other religions, including Islam. This effort has been ongoing since the Second Vatican Council (1965). In the Middle East, this dialogue may have contributed to increased understanding and cooperation between Christian and Muslim communities.
- Catholic Church’s diplomatic role: As the sovereign entity of the Vatican City, the Holy See (the Catholic Church’s governing body) has diplomatic relations with over 180 countries, including many in the Middle East. The Vatican’s diplomatic efforts aim to promote peace, stability, and understanding. Jesuits, as members of the Catholic Church, may be involved in these diplomatic endeavors, albeit indirectly.
- Jesuit involvement in humanitarian and development work: The Jesuits have a strong presence in the Middle East, particularly in countries like Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, where they operate humanitarian and development projects. These initiatives focus on providing education, healthcare, and social services to marginalized communities, often in collaboration with local organizations and governments. This grassroots work may help build trust and foster dialogue among different factions, potentially contributing to peace talks.
- Influence on Catholic Church’s Middle East policy: Jesuits, as prominent members of the Catholic Church, may exert influence on the Church’s policy towards the Middle East. This could include advocating for peaceful resolutions to conflicts, promoting dialogue and reconciliation, and supporting humanitarian efforts. While the Vatican’s official stance is not necessarily tied to any particular Jesuit agenda, Jesuit perspectives and expertise may inform the Church’s policy decisions.
- Partnerships and collaborations: The Jesuits have partnerships with various organizations, including governments, NGOs, and local communities, in the Middle East. These collaborations may facilitate dialogue and cooperation among different stakeholders, potentially contributing to peace talks.
Some specific examples of Jesuit involvement in the Middle East include:
- The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) operates in several Middle Eastern countries, providing assistance to refugees and displaced persons.
- The Jesuit-run Al-Khalil Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding in Bethlehem, Palestine, promotes dialogue and cooperation between Christians and Muslims.
- The Jesuit-founded Near East Council of Churches (NECC) is a regional ecumenical organization that works towards Christian unity and promotes interfaith dialogue.
While the Jesuits and the Vatican do not directly control peace talks in the Middle East, their involvement in humanitarian work, ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, and diplomatic efforts may indirectly contribute to creating an environment conducive to peace and understanding. However, it is essential to note that the complex and multifaceted nature of the Middle East conflicts involves many stakeholders, and the Jesuits’ and Vatican’s influence is just one aspect of the broader landscape.
In summary, the Vatican’s role in Palestine involves:
- Protecting holy sites
- Promoting peace and a two-state solution
- Diplomatic recognition of the state of Palestine
- Encouraging dialogue and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians
How Does Jesuits And The Vatican Control Things Or Peace Talks In The Middle East Show Drafts
The Jesuits and the Vatican do not directly control peace talks in the Middle East. Their influence is primarily indirect and operates through various channels. Here are some ways they can exert influence:
- Diplomacy and Dialogue: The Vatican has a long history of diplomatic relations with governments around the world, including those in the Middle East. They can use these relationships to encourage dialogue, facilitate negotiations, and promote peaceful solutions.
- Moral Authority: The Vatican is often seen as a moral authority, particularly in Catholic-majority countries. This can influence public opinion and political decision-making.
- Humanitarian Aid: The Vatican and Jesuit organizations often provide humanitarian aid to people affected by conflicts in the Middle East. This can help to alleviate suffering and build goodwill.
- Education and Interfaith Dialogue: The Jesuits, in particular, are known for their educational institutions and their commitment to interfaith dialogue. They can promote understanding and tolerance between different religious groups.
- Behind-the-Scenes Mediation: In some cases, the Vatican or Jesuit officials may be involved in behind-the-scenes mediation efforts, acting as intermediaries between conflicting parties.
It’s important to note that while these are some of the ways the Jesuits and the Vatican can influence peace talks, they are not the sole or even primary actors in the region. Other major powers, such as the United States, Russia, and the European Union, as well as the governments of the countries involved in the conflict, play much more direct and influential roles.
As You seek understanding and clarity in your life you should always turn to your Heavenly Father for Guidance
Table of Contents
- Youtube Video (Todays Message)
- Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?
- Women are looking for a fathers love
- Spiritual Order – In The Family and Church
- How God Commands Us To Forgive Those Who We Have Resentment Toward
- Join Our Newsletter
- Top Seven Articles
- Our Mission Statement
- Our Vision
- Tithing And Giving!
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Here is a YouTube video to help theses who need to understand someone explaining the important message, the YouTube video is called “Pope visits Bari to pray for peace in the Middle East”, This video is with romereports YouTube Channel:
Note: has no relations with romereports YouTube Channel, But enjoys sharing the word.
Note: We do use YouTube Video’s under the “Fair Use” Act under the Copyright Law:
“Fair use is a doctrine in the United States copyright law codified in Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976.1 It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship.01 The U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index should prove helpful in understanding what courts have to date considered to be fair or not fair but it is not a substitute for legal advice.2“

This is a major important point about forgiveness
Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. -MATTHEW 5:24 KJV
Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?
I would start out by saying what Jesus Christ would want us to do? Pray and how should we pray? The Lord’s Prayer, and how often should we pray? Continually. Why do we use the Lord’s Prayer and not some other? The Lord’s Prayer covers all the areas that is important for our spiritual being.
When we pray the Lords prayer we ask to forgive our enemies, let God’s will be done, the kingdom to come. By praying the Lord’s prayer we let go of many thoughts we have in our head and give them back to God so we can have things revealed to us.
We must overcome resentment in our heart, and in a past video I shared about Dr. Jordan Peterson talks about how resentment can destroy us and we become our own very worst enemy and Jordan goes on to say that we must talk to people what we have resentment toward to overcome that resentment. Other people who lived in the past who talked about this is Jesus Christ and someone who is living now who talks about this daily is Brother Augustine, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Charles Stanley, Rev. John Piper and Pastor Paul Washer.
Women are looking for a fathers love
Women are looking for a fathers love. Its important that men understand women are looking for a fathers love and not get screwed. Woman more than anything are looking for a strong spiritual man to lead the future (the family). I think in many YouTube videos on biblical teachings, how young women are being hurt by men that are just looking to get laid instead of doing right and being in Christ and setting a good example of a strong man. We must be in Christ, hate no one, love all, forgave thoses we resent, love what is right and support people who are walking with God.
Women need their fathers in their lives to be strong man to be good examples and not BETA men or weak examples of what a man should be. Its important that a man leads the way as Christ leads men, we as man need to fellow Jesus Christ to keep society from going to HELL.
Every day you can see or people watch how some men and women our living in hell without the right spiritual order then you will continue your hellish way according to 2 Peter. You can also find it in Romans. God will give you over to a reprobate mind.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. – Romans 1:28 (KJV)
In Romans 1, Paul refers to something known as a reprobate mind. If you’re not familiar with the term reprobate, the literal definition in the Greek is failing to pass the test, unapproved, counterfeit.

Spiritual Order – In The Family and Church
God the father
Jesus Christ
Father (Men over women)
Mother (Women over children)
Here is Book, Chapter and Verse from the Kings James Version 1 Corinthian 11:2-16, But the main message is in 1 Corinthian 11:3: “3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”
A Woman Conferring The Spiritual Order According to Saint Paul And How The War On The Family Is Being Waged
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Father’s Rights

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How God Commands Us To Forgive Those Who We Have Resentment Toward.
All of us are tested everyday by our personal internal struggle coming from resentment of what happened earlier in our lives as children typically what our mother did to us, telling how our fathers were not good enough or driving us away from our fathers when we were children. We most go to the people that we have resentment against and forgive them. By forgiving our mothers or whoever we have resentment against, God will forgive us and we can return to the heavenly Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It was said if you don’t love everyone then you love no one. People today live like the Old Testament people did. We must forgive and love everyone as God Commanded us to do according to Matthew 22:34-40.
After Reading The Passage I would Recommend Doing A Silent Prayer
Its is said: Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 King James Version (KJV)

Jesus is an example of a Fathers love
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In a world where it is so easy to forget the importance of God, we must remember that He is holy and will not share His glory. America has forgotten this truth and it is time for us to re-examine our relationship with God and recognize that He is the one true God who deserves our full devotion and reverence. We must remember that He will not be taken lightly or ignored, but rather should be honored as the Creator of all things. Only then can we truly experience His love and grace in our lives.
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Our Mission Statement
Uniting men of good character who, though of different ethnic or social backgrounds, share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind. Bring Men back to the Father and sharing the biblical view of the Heavenly Father.
Our Vision
By returning to our heavenly father God thru the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we can rebuilt the family, once the man is recognized as the head of the family and household. Partner with us as we develop a community, mission, and leadership support for the men of today.
Now is the time for a new movement of men. As brothers, fathers let’s become who we’re created to be, knowing our identity, purpose, and destiny in Christ. Then let’s do, linking arms to change the world for good … and for God. Help bring transformation and revival to our families, churches, and communities.
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