Women Have No Love To Give! According To The Bible Men Are To Love Their Wives And Wives Are To Respect Their Husbands

Women Have No Love To Give! According To The Bible Men Are To Love Their Wives And Wives Are To Respect Their Husbands

The Bible is a great source of wisdom and guidance when it comes to relationships. It has been said that men are to love their wives and wives are to respect their husbands. The Bible has a lot to say about the roles of men and women in marriage. According to the Bible, men are supposed to love their wives and wives are expected to respect their husbands. This is an important concept that should not be taken lightly as it serves as a foundation for a successful marriage. Unfortunately, many people misinterpret this concept by believing that women have no love to give or that they are only meant to respect their husbands.

Women have no love to give as it is not their place in the spiritual order according to Saint Pauls writing of the spiritual order in the family. Men are suppose to be non emotional when dealing with women, Normal women want a strong man who can deal with her and lead her in challenging times and times of ease. If you read the Bible verses 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, love is patient, kind, and does not envy, boast, or boast. It does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Notice that this verse talks about nothing with having or being emotional, but it has todo with being complete and without emotion.

A definition of Love can be not being emotional or have no emotion, not judging or playing God when you are judging, using discernment (knowing the difference) can help a man come off as strong and being none emotional, acting in Love toward his wife or the women in his life.

Women don’t like emotional men in their life, when women are looking for a man to date and marry someday they are testing him in his emotional states, is this man my rock or is he going to be friend zoned and maybe a person she called to get validation when her boyfriend or husband is giving her.

Women Have No Real Live To Give, As Women Judge And Over Protect Their Children And People Close To Them

Women have long been seen as the nurturers and protectors of their families, but women should let their husbands lead and teach their children as they grow up, Women like to say they are nurturers or protector of their children but they are in a way where it stills the childs grow spiritual sometimes they will let them not do things that should. This is a role that has been perpetuated by society, but it can often lead to women feeling like they have no real life of their own and women if married should not have a life of their own so the family his one leader and the children know where to get guidance from their Fathers. They may feel the need to over-protect those around them, or judge them harshly when they don’t live up to expectations, but you need to let your children grow by overcoming things in life, by facing the storms in your life when you are young and growing up you have a father to guide you. This can be a difficult situation for women, as it can leave them feeling trapped and unable to express themselves in a meaningful way, which it should as it is not spiritually correct not to let children learn not to over come the troubles or storms in their lives. If children never learn how to overcome troubles in their live, for example if the child is in a fight in school and does not get a punishment or get corrected by a teacher, principal then how will that child ever learn that is not correct behavior.

When Women Over-Protect Their Children It tints To Keep The Children From Growing, For Example Boys From Becoming Men

Parenting is a difficult task, and it can be especially challenging for mothers who want to protect their children from harm. However, when women over-protect their children, it can prevent them from developing the skills they need in order to become independent adults. This is especially true for boys, who often need to learn how to take risks and develop their self-confidence in order to become men. Unfortunately, when mothers over-protect their sons, they may be preventing them from developing the very skills they will need later on in life.

It is a widely accepted fact that mothers tend to be over-protective of their children, especially in the case of boys. While this maternal instinct can be beneficial in many ways, it can also have a detrimental effect on the development of the child. When mothers over-protect their sons, they may prevent them from growing into mature adults and becoming independent men. This can lead to stunted emotional and social growth, as well as difficulty in forming healthy relationships with other people. In this article, we will discuss how over-protection affects boys’ development and what parents can do to ensure that their sons grow up to be confident and self-reliant men.

As parents, it is natural for us to want to protect our children from harm and danger. But when we over-protect them, it can have a negative effect on their development and growth. Boys in particular are at risk of being stunted if they are not allowed to experience and learn from the challenges of life. When women over-protect their sons, it can keep them from developing the strength, independence and confidence needed to become a man. We will explore the consequences of over-protection on boys and how parents can help their sons grow into strong men.

What Are The The Consequences Of Over-protection On Boys And How Parents Can Help Their Sons Grow Into Strong Men.

In today’s society, it is easy for boys to be over-protected by their parents. This can lead to a number of consequences that can inhibit the development of strong men. Parents must be aware of these consequences and take action to ensure their sons grow into strong men who are capable of making decisions and taking responsibility for their actions.

Boys are often over-protected by their parents, which can have a negative impact on their development. Parents need to be aware of the consequences of over-protection and find ways to help their sons grow into strong men. Over-protection can lead to boys feeling helpless and unable to take risks, which can lead to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in adulthood. It can also prevent boys from learning the skills they need to become independent and successful adults.

Parents should strive to strike a balance between protection and independence when raising their sons. They should provide support while encouraging autonomy, teaching problem solving skills, and allowing them to take risks in a safe environment. By doing this, parents can help their sons develop the resilience they need for success in life.

Many parents today are overly protective of their sons, sometimes to the point of hindering their growth and development. This can have serious consequences on boys’ mental and physical health, as well as their ability to form relationships. Parents need to be aware of the potential risks of over-protection and take steps to help their sons become strong men.

By providing a balance between protection and guidance, parents can help boys learn how to make decisions for themselves and develop resilience in the face of life’s challenges. They should also encourage them to explore activities that promote self-confidence, such as sports or creative pursuits. With these measures in place, parents can ensure that their sons grow into strong men who are capable of handling life’s obstacles with grace and confidence.

What are the consequences of over-protection on boys vs. girls and how parents can help their sons grow into strong men.

Over-protection of boys can have a significant impact on their development and growth. It can lead to an inability to take risks, make decisions, and develop problem-solving skills. On the other hand, over-protection of girls can lead to a lack of self-confidence and an inability to express themselves freely.

Parents should be aware of the consequences of over-protection on both boys and girls. They should provide their sons with the appropriate space and support needed so they can learn how to take risks, become independent, and grow into strong men. At the same time, they should ensure that their daughters are given enough freedom to express themselves without fear or judgement.

Parents play a critical role in the development of their children, especially when it comes to raising sons. While it is important for parents to provide protection and security for their sons, over-protection can have negative consequences on boys’ physical, mental, and emotional development.

Parents should be aware of the potential consequences of over-protection on boys and how this can lead to a lack of self-confidence and difficulty with social interactions. It is important for parents to find a balance between providing safety and security while also allowing their sons to explore their independence. By setting boundaries, providing guidance, and encouraging positive behavior, parents can help their sons grow into strong men who are confident in themselves and comfortable with social situations.

Over-protection of children can have different consequences depending on the gender. While girls tend to become overly dependent and shy, boys can become aggressive and feel that they are invincible. This can lead to them making wrong decisions in life.

Parents play an important role in helping their sons grow into strong men. They need to provide enough protection, but also allow them the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. Parents should encourage their sons to take risks, set goals, and be independent while providing guidance when needed. It is important for parents to teach their sons how to handle difficult situations without feeling overwhelmed or helpless. With these lessons in mind, parents can help their sons develop into responsible adults who are prepared for the challenges of life.

The Big Issue Is Mothers Over-protecting Their Sons Who Need To Learn To Overcome And Learn How To Be The Rock In A Relationship With Females, Girls, Ladies, Women And Wives

The issue of over-protective mothers and the impact it has on their sons is a major concern in today’s society. It can lead to sons who lack the skills and confidence to be successful in relationships with women and girls. This issue has been brought to light by recent studies that show how this behavior can have long-lasting effects on boys’ social, emotional, and psychological development.

Over-protective parenting can prevent boys from developing the necessary skills needed to build healthy relationships with females. It can lead to a lack of self-confidence, which affects their ability to take risks or make decisions independently. Furthermore, it can also lead them to become overly dependent on their mother or other female figures in their life, which can cause problems in future romantic relationships.

The big issue is that mothers need to learn how to balance between protecting their sons while also teaching them how to be independent and responsible for themselves. This includes providing them with the right guidance and support so they

Mothers often have the best intentions for their sons, but this can sometimes lead to them being overly protective. This can prevent their sons from learning how to be resilient and independent in relationships with females, girls, and women. As a result, they may struggle to form strong and healthy relationships as adults. It is important for mothers to understand that while it is natural to want to protect their sons from harm, it is also important for them to learn how to overcome challenges and be the rock in a relationship.

Mothers often have a tendency to over-protect their sons, which can prevent them from learning important life lessons. This can be especially damaging when it comes to relationships with females, girls, and women. By shielding their sons from the realities of the world and not allowing them to take risks or make mistakes, mothers are inadvertently teaching them that they do not need to take responsibility for their actions or learn how to be a strong partner in a relationship. This can lead to unhealthy dynamics between men and women in the future. It is essential for mothers to ensure that their sons learn how to be a rock in relationships with females, girls, and women – by teaching them self-confidence, respect for others, and how to handle difficult situations.

A Good Mother Would Let Her Son Learn From His Mistakes And Grow Into A Man

A good mother is one who knows when to give her son the freedom to make his own mistakes and learn from them. She understands that it is part of growing up and becoming a responsible, independent adult. She also knows that she cannot protect him from all the hardships of life, but she can provide guidance and support so he can become a better person in the future. A good mother would let her son learn from his mistakes and grow into a man, one with greater wisdom and understanding.

A good mother would understand that mistakes are a part of life and that her son needs to learn from them in order to grow into a responsible and independent adult. She would provide guidance, support, and encouragement as he navigates his way through life’s challenges. She would also be understanding if he makes mistakes along the way, knowing that these are necessary for him to learn from and become better in the future. A good mother will not only let her son make mistakes but she will also help him learn from them so that he can grow into a strong and successful man.

A good mother would understand that her son needs to make mistakes and learn from them in order to grow into a responsible man. She would not try to shield him from the consequences of his actions, but instead provide guidance and support so he can learn and develop. She would also be patient with him, knowing that it takes time for her son to gain wisdom and experience, while also being firm when necessary. A good mother will recognize the importance of allowing her son to make mistakes while still providing guidance, so he can become a better person in the long run.

A Good Young Man Will Learn To Forgive Or Repent And Move On To Learn To Lead His family Someday In The Future

Forgiveness and repentance are vital traits that a good young man should possess. It is not only important in personal relationships but also in leading his family in the future. Learning to forgive and repent can help a young man to become a better leader who can guide his family with compassion and understanding. It also helps him to understand the importance of making mistakes and learning from them, rather than holding grudges. With such qualities, a good young man will be able to set an example for his family and lead them into a brighter future.

Forgiveness is a valuable lesson to learn for any young man. It’s an important part of growing up and being able to lead a family in the future. In order to forgive, a good young man must learn to recognize when he has done wrong and be willing to accept responsibility for his actions. He should also be able to recognize the hurt caused by his mistakes and take steps to repair the damage he has done. Repentance is also an important part of learning how to forgive, as it allows him to move on from his mistakes and grow into a better person. By learning how to forgive or repent, a good young man can become the leader of his family someday in the future.

Forgiveness and repentance are two of the most important qualities that a good young man should strive to possess. Forgiveness allows us to let go of any negative feelings we may have towards someone or something, while repentance helps us learn from our mistakes and become better people. By learning to forgive or repent, a young man will be able to lead his family in the future by setting a good example for them. He will also be able to move on from any hurtful experiences he may have encountered in the past and focus on building healthy relationships with those around him. With these qualities, a young man can ensure that his family is taken care of and that their future is secure.

As You seek understanding and clarity in your life you should always turn to your Heavenly Father for Guidance.

Table of Contents

  • Youtube Video (Todays Message)
  • Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?
  • Women are looking for a fathers love
  • Spiritual Order – In The Family and Church
  • How God Commands Us To Forgive Those Who We Have Resentment Toward
  • Join Our Newsletter
  • Top Seven Articles
  • Our Mission Statement
  • Our Vision
  • Tithing And Giving!

When Tithing please give what you feel is good to the amount we are helping you in your spiritual life.

Here is a YouTube video to help theses who need to understand someone explaining the important message, the YouTube video is called “What a man needs in a relationship is not love but Respect by Dr Myles Munroe”, This video is with Dr. Rev. Myles Munroe YouTube Channel:

Note: MadeManMinistries.com has no relations with Dr. Rev. Myles Munroe YouTube Channel, But MadeManMinistries.com enjoys sharing the word.

Note: We do use YouTube Video’s under the “Fair Use” Act under the Copyright Law:

“Fair use is a doctrine in the United States copyright law codified in Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976.1 It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship.01 The U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index should prove helpful in understanding what courts have to date considered to be fair or not fair but it is not a substitute for legal advice.2

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This is a major important point about forgiveness

Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. -MATTHEW 5:24 KJV

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

I would start out by saying what Jesus Christ would want us to do? Pray and how should we pray? The Lord’s Prayer, and how often should we pray? Continually. Why do we use the Lord’s Prayer and not some other? The Lord’s Prayer covers all the areas that is important for our spiritual being.

When we pray the Lords prayer we ask to forgive our enemies, let God’s will be done, the kingdom to come. By praying the Lord’s prayer we let go of many thoughts we have in our head and give them back to God so we can have things revealed to us.

We must overcome resentment in our heart, and in a past video I shared about Dr. Jordan Peterson talks about how resentment can destroy us and we become our own very worst enemy and Jordan goes on to say that we must talk to people what we have resentment toward to overcome that resentment. Other people who lived in the past who talked about this is Jesus Christ and someone who is living now who talks about this daily is Brother Augustine, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Charles Stanley, Rev. John Piper and Pastor Paul Washer.

Women are looking for a fathers love

Women are looking for a fathers love. Its important that men understand women are looking for a fathers love and not get screwed. Woman more than anything are looking for a strong spiritual man to lead the future (the family). I think in many YouTube videos on biblical teachings, how young women are being hurt by men that are just looking to get laid instead of doing right and being in christ and setting a good example of a strong man. We must be in Christ, hate no one, love all, forgave thoses we resent, love what is right and support people who are walking with God.

Women need their fathers in their lives to be strong man to be good examples and not BETA men or weak examples of what a man should be. Its important that a man leads the way as Christ leads men, we as man need to fellow Jesus Christ to keep society from going to HELL.

Every day you can see or people watch how some men and women our living in hell without the right spiritual order then you will continue your hellish way according to 2 Peter. You can also find it in Romans. God will give you over to a reprobate mind.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. – Romans 1:28 (KJV)

In Romans 1, Paul refers to something known as a reprobate mind. If you’re not familiar with the term reprobate, the literal definition in the Greek is failing to pass the test, unapproved, counterfeit.

1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the mademanministries

Spiritual Order – In The Family and Church

God the father

Jesus Christ

Father (Men over women)

Mother (Women over children)

Here is Book, Chapter and Verse from the Kings James Version 1 Corinthian 11:2-16, But the main messsage is in 1 Corinthian 11:3: “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

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Should America And The Western World Have A New Social Contract? (Open Letter)

Father’s Rights

Open Letter To: President Joe Biden, President Putin, Pope Francis, Governors Of All States In America (Any Government Leaders, Officials Who Call Jesus Christ Lord):


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How God Commands Us To Forgive Those Who We Have Resentment Toward.

All of us are tested everyday by our personal internal struggle coming from resentment of what happened earlier in our lives as children typically what our mother did to us, telling how our fathers were not good enough or driving us away from our fathers when we were children. We most go to the people that we have resentment against and forgive them. By forgiving our mothers or whoever we have resentment against, God will forgive us and we can return to the heavenly Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It was said if you don’t love everyone then you love no one. People today live like the Old Testament people did. We must forgive and love everyone as God Commanded us to do according to Matthew 22:34-40.

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After Reading The Passage I would Recommend Doing A Silent Prayer

Its is said: Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 King James Version (KJV)

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Jesus is an example of a Fathers love


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In a world where it is so easy to forget the importance of God, we must remember that He is holy and will not share His glory. America has forgotten this truth and it is time for us to re-examine our relationship with God and recognize that He is the one true God who deserves our full devotion and reverence. We must remember that He will not be taken lightly or ignored, but rather should be honored as the Creator of all things. Only then can we truly experience His love and grace in our lives.

America Has Forgotten! That God The Father Is Holy And He Will Not Share His Glory!

God Reveals Himself

Click the link about a PDF how God reveals himself to you: God Reveals and Satan Speaks to you!

Our Mission Statement

Uniting men of good character who, though of different ethnic or social backgrounds, share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind. Bring Men back to the Father and sharing the biblical view of the Heavenly Father.

Our Vision

By returning to our heavenly father God thru the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we can rebuilt the family, once the man is recognized as the head of the family and household. Partner with us as we develop a community, mission, and leadership support for the men of today.

Now is the time for a new movement of men. As brothers, fathers let’s become who we’re created to be, knowing our identity, purpose, and destiny in Christ. Then let’s do, linking arms to change the world for good … and for God. Help bring transformation and revival to our families, churches, and communities.

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