Tag: bible is the word of god

Wake Up Between 3 AM & 5 AM Things

Wake Up Between 3 AM & 5 AM Things

If you wake up between 3 AM and 5 AM, there are several steps you can take to help you fall back asleep: By following these steps, you may be able to reduce the frequency of waking up between 3 AM and 5 AM and improve your overall sleep quality. As You seek understanding and …

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Paul Washer: Eternity Video Review

Paul Washer: Eternity Video Review

Paul Washer discusses the concept of living in light of eternity in several of his teachings, emphasizing the importance of focusing on eternal values rather than earthly ones. In a conversation with another speaker, he highlighted that while living in light of eternity is a powerful motivator, the greatest motivation should be living for Christ, …

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Why Preach The Gospel If God Has Already Determined Who Will Be Saved?

Why Preach The Gospel If God Has Already Determined Who Will Be Saved?

God’s Predestination and Gospel Preaching The question of whether to preach the gospel if God has already determined who will be saved is a topic of significant debate within Christian theology. Some believe in predestination, the idea that God has chosen who will be saved before the creation of the world, while others emphasize the …

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Why Does John Weep Over The Scroll In Revelation 5?

Why Does John Weep Over The Scroll In Revelation 5?

In Revelation 5, John weeps over the scroll because he understands its significance and the dire consequences if it remains unopened. The scroll represents a vital promise of God, specifically the promise that the kingdom of God will come to earth, with Christ returning to reign as king and the saints reigning with Him. John’s weeping …

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What Does It Mean To Be Neither Hot Or Cold?

What Does It Mean To Be Neither Hot Or Cold?

The phrase “neither hot nor cold” is often used metaphorically to describe a state of being indifferent, lukewarm, or lacking enthusiasm. In a religious context, particularly in the Bible, Revelation 3:15-16 uses this phrase to describe Christians who are not fervent in their faith but also not openly opposing it. Jesus expresses dissatisfaction with this state, …

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Jesus Christ Said, No One Is Good Not Even, MLK, JFK, Donald J. Trump, The Pope, But God the Father

Jesus Christ Said, No One Is Good Not Even, MLK, JFK, Donald J. Trump, The Pope, But God the Father

If Jesus Christ said no man is good not even one, how can we look to MLK, JFK, Donald J. Trump, The Pope as good, when they are not good? How can we look to earthly men who pervert the laws of God, do wrong for their own benefit. MLK JR. a know communist living …

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The Strength Of Our Confession

The Strength Of Our Confession

Voddie Baucham’s sermon titled “The Strength Of Our Confession” was delivered on January 20, 2022, at the Founders “Militant and Triumphant: The Doctrine of the Church” national conference in Southwest Florida. In this sermon, Baucham emphasizes the importance of the church standing firm in the truth of the Christian faith, especially in the face of attacks …

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Voddie Baucham’s video titled “THIS IS PROPHECY! BE READY FOR WHAT’S COMING!” discusses themes from The Book of Revelation, emphasizing that we are in the last days and time is running out. Baucham urges viewers to prepare for divine judgment and the events leading to the end of the age. He encourages Christians to pray for …

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Some People Believe Trump Is The Gateway To The Falling Away, The Anti-Christ, A Peacemaker Of Seven Years

Some People Believe Trump Is The Gateway To The Falling Away, The Anti-Christ, A Peacemaker Of Seven Years

Trump as Antichrist Belief Some individuals believe that Donald Trump is connected to the concept of the “Falling Away” and the Anti-Christ, as mentioned in the Bible. The idea of the “Falling Away” refers to a period of time when people will turn away from God and follow false teachings. It’s worth noting that these …

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What Is Life Surge Christian Business Conventions?

What Is Life Surge Christian Business Conventions?

LIFE SURGE is a one-day event that aims to inspire, transform, and equip Christians to create and multiply financial resources for Kingdom Impact. It combines powerful worship, inspiring stories of faith, and Godly teaching on business, entrepreneurship, and financial stewardship. The event features nationally renowned speakers, musicians, and business leaders. The next LIFE SURGE event in …

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